In the aftermath of the 2016 Kashmir unrest, a young local field agent, Zooni Haksar, is picked out by Rajeshwari Swaminathan from the Prime Minister's Office for a top-secret mission. Their aim? ...
British Home Secretary Stella Simmons drives home one night while engaging in an affair with the Prime Minister. A mysterious man remotely hijacks her self-driving car, forcing her on a rampage throug...
【heraldpop】“Show Me the Money 9”下半年全新启航 新赛制全面袭来 Rapper生存战Mnet《#showmethemoney9#》正在接受Rapper报名,预计于下半年首播。 韩国代表性的hiphop生存竞赛节目《show me the money》的第9季从今天(20日,星期一)开始,到8月21日(星期五)为止,将接受为期一个月的报名。报名者可以通过官方电子...
You can hear the lovesick heartbreak all over Seoul when over-emotional Ha-neul breaks up with his closeted boyfriend and moves in with his bestie, an online celebrity who has commitment issues of his...